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Title: The Effect Of Applying Pick, List, Evaluate, Activate, Supply, End (Please) Strategy On The Students Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text
Authors: Effendi, Fadillah
Keywords: Pick, List, Evaluate. Activate, Supply, and End (PLEASE);Writing, Descriptive Text.
Issue Date: 12-Apr-2017
Abstract: Fadillah Effendi. 1302050175. “The Effect of Applying Pick, List, Evaluate. Activate, Supply, and End (PLEASE) strategy on the Students’ achievement in Writing Descriptive Text” : Skripsi. English Program of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan 2017. This research was intended to investigate The Effect of Applying Pick, List, Evaluate. Activate, Supply, and End (PLEASE) strategy on the Students’ achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. The objective of this research was to find out the significant effect of applying PLEASE strategy on the students achievement on writing descriptive text. This research was conducted at SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1 Medan of academic year 2016/2017 Jalan Demak No.3, Sei Rengas Permata, Medan Area, Kota Medan. The population of this study was the seventh grade students, that consisted of five classes; they were VII-T1, VII T2, VII-T3, VII-T4, VII-T5. Purposive sampling technique was applied in this research, so the sample were VII-T1 and VII-T3. The sample was divided into two groups : VII-T1 as experimental class taught by applying PLEASE strategy and VII-T3 as control class taught without applying PLEASE strategy. The study was conducted by using an experimental research design. Each group was given a pre-test, treatment, and post-test. This data were acquired by administrating an written test which was given in pre-test and post-test. After analyzing the data by using t test formula, it was obtained that t was higher than t (7.12 > 2.00) with α = 5% and the degree of freedom (df) 58. The finding showed that the students achievement in writing descriptive text by applying PLEASE strategy was more significant than those without applying PLEASE strategy. Based on this research, it was revealed that the percentage of the effect of applying PLEASE strategy was 64% and 36% was influenced by other factors.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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