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Title: Metaphors Used in Women’s Skincare Product/Advertising: An Ecological Discourse Analysis. English Education Department
Authors: Ramadhani, Fitri
Keywords: Metaphor, Advertising, Women’s Skincare.
Issue Date: 27-Nov-2023
Abstract: This research was revealed to analyze the meaning of metaphor used in women’s skincare product/advertising with the characteristic of plants and things as a parable with women’s skin. The objectives of this research were: (1) to analyze the meaning of metaphor, (2) to identify the types of metaphor, and (3) to find out the dominant types of metaphor. The using of qualitative method was applied in this research. The data was taken from 10 PT/Brand skincare in Indonesia with their official website (Instagram) and the researcher was collected 20 metaphorical sentences. The technique of collecting the data were searching the official website, reading and making script of metaphorical sentence which was collected by using documentary technique like picture (screenshot), identifying the types of metaphor and showing the data using table. Miles and Huberman theory was applied to analyzing the data such as selecting the data, organizing the data in the form of table and as the result, the researcher found that they were 4 skincare product includes structural metaphor, 14 skincare product includes ontological metaphor, and also 2 skincare product includes orientational metaphor. Thus the types of metaphor used in women’s skincare product/advertising were 20% structural metaphor, 70% ontological metaphor and 10% orientational metaphor. The most dominant types of metaphor is ontological metaphor with 70%. The characteristic of rose water, flower petal, cristal, glass, zaitun, berry, key, spotlight and orange were parabled with women’s skin. The body lotion product was the most used in the women’s skincare product/advertising.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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