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Keywords: Sociolinguistics;taboo words
Issue Date: 17-Nov-2023
Abstract: This research discusses the study of sociolinguistic analysis of taboo expressions on Twitter about politics. This study aims to analyze the types, contexts, and reasons behind taboo words on Twitter about politics. The data were analyzed by using the descriptive evaluative method. Therefore, desk research was used to analyze the data. The data focused on the types of taboo words in three Twitter accounts, namely @hukummilikpenguasa, @oktorankri, and @suluh98. Based on the analysis, eight types of taboo words exist in the posts of three Twitter accounts about politics: epithet, cursing, Scatology, insults and slurs, profanity, Blasphemy, Vulgarity, and slang. There are 20 pieces of data found in the research. Epithet there are 3 data (15%), cursing there are 1 data (5%), Scatology there are 2 data (10%), insult and slurs there are 5 data (25%), profanity there are 1 data (5%), Blasphemy there are 1 data (5%), Vulgarity there are 3 data (15%), and slang there are 4 data (20%). For the cause of using taboo words, there are five obtained: anger or frustration, Descriptive-Evaluative, Joking, Surprise, and Insult. To show anger or frustration, there are 7 data (35%), Descriptiveevaluative there are 4 data (20%), joking there are 2 data (10%), surprise there are 1 data (5%), insult there are 6 data (30%). Hopefully, this research can be useful for everyone who wants to learn sociolinguistics.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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