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Keywords: Learning Video;Learning Media
Issue Date: 17-May-2022
Abstract: The research dealed with the study of learning media analysis in English learning video on YouTube. The objectives of this research were to examine the good criteria learning video for teaching andlearning English and how learning video on YouTube be a good media for teaching and learning English. The data was analyzed using a descriptive qualitative method and used observation and note taking technique as the data collecting furthermore used different eight videos on YouTube which have more viewers than other videos from other channels. The good criteria were Cognitive Load (Signaling, Segmenting, Weeding and Matching Modality), Student Engagement (the median engagement time for video), and Active Learning (Guiding Questions, Students Control, Integrate Questions, and Homework Assignment) (Cynthia Brame 2015).Based on the analysis, it has been found that only one video has fulfilled the basic aspect of learning video, it was Arsan San Channel and there were seven videos which did not fulfill the good criteria of good learning video on YouTube. So, referring to research findings, it was concluded that certainly not all learning video on YouTube worthy of being a learning media for teaching and learning English.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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