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dc.contributor.authorAnsari, Siti-
dc.contributor.authorYenni, Hasnah-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate teacher’s politeness in questioning and answering strategies in EFL classroom interaction. It was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative research. The research data, then, were English teacher’s utterances in questioning and answering. Those were collected through observation and interview techniques. The collected data were analyzed based on Sugiyono’s analysis model (2017) including: (a) data collection, (b) data reduction, (c) data display, and (d) conclusion. The findings of the research reveal that all politeness strategies as proposed by were realized by the teacher, namely: Bald on Record (2,5%) in questioning and 0% in answering, Positive Politeness (37,5%) in questioning and 60% in answering, Negative Politeness (10%) in questioning and 0% in answering, and Off Record Politeness (50%) in questioning and 40% in answering. Subsequently, there were two politeness processes applied by teacher in questioning and answering activities, namely; direct and indirect politeness. In detail, polite direct questions and answers went to 45% and 57.5% sequentially. Meanwhile, the polite indirect questions and answers shared the same percentage at 50%. Regarding the reasons of using politeness strategies, they were as follows: (a) Bald on Record was used to say things without any minimization of the imposition toward the hearer since it did not attempt to minimize the threat to the hearer’s face, (b) Positive Politeness was realized to avoid giving offense by hightlighting friendliness, (c) Negative Politeness was to address negative face like threatening the hearer’s negative face which wanted to have freedom of action, and (d) Off Record was to show that was not able to be blamed to have commited to a certain intention. So, it was concluded that all politeness strategies and processes of questioning and answering were applied by the English teacher in EFL classroom interaction.en_US
dc.subjectteacher’s politeness in questioning and answeringen_US
dc.subjectclassroom interactionen_US
dc.titleTeacher’s Questioning And Answering Politeness In Efl Classroom Interactionen_US
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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