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Title: ptimism and Pessimism in Asia VS Brat Book
Authors: Ramadhani, Alvin
Keywords: optimism;pessimism;Asia VS Barat book
Issue Date: 18-Mar-2021
Publisher: UMSU
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of some optimistic and pessimistic sentences and the realization process through identification of several sentences based on Scheier and Carver's theory. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study using identification techniques. The source of this research is Asia VS Barat book. There are twentyfour examples of optimistic sentences and twenty-four pessimistic sentences taken from this Asia VS Barat book. The results showed that the number of optimism and pessimistic sentences had a significantly different number. So, it can be concluded that there are two types of optimism and pessimism along with examples of their sentences contained in this Asia VS Barat book.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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