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Title: An Analysis of Speech Function in Coronavirus Broadcast by President Donald Trump ”
Authors: Putrika, Salsa Tilana
Keywords: Speech Function;types of speech function
Issue Date: 13-Nov-2020
Abstract: This research discusses about An Analysis of Speech Function in Coronavirus Broadcast by President Donald Trump. The objectives of research are to find out the types of speech function, how is the process type of speech function used. The research on this thesis was carried by using descriptive qualitative. The data were taken from 1 speech of President Donald Trump. The data were analyzed and classified into four types of speech functions in the procedures namely statement, question, command and offer. There are Statement ( 85 utterance, 91.39 % ), Question (2 utterance, 2.15 % ), Command ( 6 utterance, 6.45 % ), and there is no Offer in President Donald Trump‘s Speeches ( 0 % ). We can see the process of the speech function used in President Donald Trump's speech. The way of the speaker to deliever the information about the pandemic problem due to the coronavirus that is currently sweeping the whole world to the audience using four kinds of speech function, they are: statement, question, command and offer.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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