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Title: Investigating a Register on Language Displayed in The Billboard of Food and Beverage in Medan
Authors: Melati, Efi
Keywords: Language variation;Register;Billboard of food and beverage.
Issue Date: 21-Oct-2020
Abstract: Language used in the billboard of food and beverage in medan was different from that used by people in daily conversation. There was specific terms to explain the event that happens in the billboard of food and beverage. Many registers used in the billboard of food and beverage could be found especially in English. In this case, this research analyzed the lexical meaning of register used in the billboard of food and beverage. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative research. The object of this research was the register used in the billboard of food and beverage. The data were register words. The data source was the billboard of food and beverage. In collecting the data, the researcher looked for the billboard of food and beverage, data collection, data reduction, data display, verifying conclusion. In analyzed the data, the writer classified the data, analyzed the lexical meaning of register and analyzed how was register realization displayed in the billboard of food and beverage. Based on the analyzed, the researcher found 17 data register words, and then analyzed to the lexical meaning. And the researcher found that the registers on the billboard of food and beverage were realized in different ways according to the context and based on the field, tenor, and mode.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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