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dc.contributor.authorSembiring, Meidina-
dc.description.abstractThis research belongs to qualitative research by applying descriptive method. The research is aimed to describe the use of translation technique in translating Rebu text from Karonese into English. Rebu is one of Karonese heritage that means taboo or forbidden. It is the prohibition of having communication or doing physical interaction. For instance: asking or answering question directly, shaking hands, having landek or dance, and another activity. Rebu is kind of indirect speech in Karonese that is indicated by words nina, ningenor nindu. It happens to mami and kela, bengkila and permain, turangku and turangku. The data was taken from the observation towards Karonese people daily life, source of books and internet. The data consist of 75 expressions overall. They were translated and analyzed by looking for the translation techniques applied. The percentage of data was calculatedin order to find out the dominant one. The study showed that Rebu can be translated by applying the translation technique. This research found out 10 types techniques used based on Molina and Albir theory, those are transposition with 24 data or 32 % which is the dominant technique occured. Following by amplification with total number is 17 data or 22,66%, reduction is 13 data or 17.33%, literal translation is 7 data or 22,66%, calque is 3 data or 4%, borrowing and established equivalence have 2 data for each or 2,66%. The smallest number used are particularization and substitution with the total only 1 or 1.33% for each. There are some text that was untranslatable into English such as Karonese kinship terms like silih, kela, bengkila, mami and turangku.en_US
dc.titleTranslation Technique in Translating Rebu Expression from Karonese into Englishen_US
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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