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Title: Analisa perbandingan kualitas cahaya terhadap daya aktif pada lampu sorot pada saat menggunakan kapasitor dan tanpa menggunakan kapasitor di area Boarding Lounge bandara Kualanamu
Authors: Purba, Muhammad Nur Rizaldi
Keywords: Light quality;Fluctuations;Capacitors;Active power
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Fluctuating active power can affect the quality of light on the lamp, so to maintain more stable active power needed by capacitors, this research shows the role of capacitors in maintaining the power quality. The results of this study indicate that the current at the start when not using a capacitor tends to be closer to the maximum run-up of the lamp current of 6 amperes (according to the standard Philips Lighting HPI-T lamp at start). While the current at the start tends to be 30% more stable compared to when not using capacitors. Active power greatly affects the quality of light, this is evidenced at the time of measurement and calculation of the quality of light relative to the active movement of power.
Appears in Collections:Electrical Engineering

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